Student Life & Leadership Office

The Student Life & Leadership Office is located on the third floor of the UCI Student Center (South Building).
Student Life & Leadership Office
G308 UCI Student Center
Irvine, CA 92697-5125
Telephone: 949-824 – 5181
Fax: 949 824 – 3412
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
To UCI and Student Center:
Once you get to campus, the closest general parking to our office is the UCI Student Center parking structure at the intersection of Pereira and West Peltason. Parking permits are available from attendants at the Pereira entrance; permit holders may enter from either Pereira or Campus Drive. The UCI Student Center is located directly across from the parking structure (Pereira side).
From UCI Campus Ring Mall:
Take Ring Mall stairwell by Humanities bridge up one level to 3rd floor, or enter main terrace and then take elevator behind concrete stage/platform up to the 3rd floor and exit left. Student Life and Leadership Office will be straight ahead.
From Student Center Parking Structure:
Enter building under “STUDENT CENTER” lettering across Pereira. Stay on ground floor and proceed straight past Emerald Bay conference rooms. Proceed through lounge seating and down a few steps to Pacific Ballroom. Just past Pacific Ballroom C, there is an alcove on the right with an elevator. Take elevator to 3rd floor and exit left. Student Life & Leadership Office will be straight ahead.
SLL Department Locations and Facilties
Please see each department’s contact information for location, hours, and contact information by visiting their websites.
Cross-Cultural Center
Gateway Commons
Student Services West
UCI Student Center
- Center for Black Cultures, Resources, and Research
- International Center
- Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center
- RISE Suite
- Student Life & Leadership Office
- Business Services Office
- Campus Organizations and Volunteer Programs
- Sorority and Fraternity Life
- SFL Office (for student leaders)
- Student Government Student Media
- Veteran Services Office
Remote Departments